If lapack 3rd party is not detected during CMake configuration it may be useful to install the Gnu Scientific Library (GSL) to benefit from optimized mathematical capabilities. If you have a rather a Basler camera you may donwload and install Pylon SDK following these instructions. $ sudo ln -s $(brew -prefix qt5)/plugins /usr/local/plugins The solution to build ViSP with pcl 1.12.1 is here to run the additional commands: As a consequence, ViSP will be not able to detect pcl leading to a build issue (see Unable to build with pcl 1.12.1). Warning pcl 1.12.1 has a dependency to qt5 that is keg-only, which means it was not symlinked into /usr/local. If you have an Intel Realsense RGB-D camera (R200, F200, SR300, LR200, RZ300, D435, T265.) you may install librealsense and PCL library using: $ brew install librealsense pcl pkg-config Installation of recommended 3rd parties could be performed running: $ brew install opencv glog lapack eigen libdc1394 zbar libdc1394 to grab images from firewire cameras.lapack and eigen to benefit from optimized mathematical capabilities.libX11 to be able to open a window to display images.OpenCV to get advanced image processing and computer vision features coming with ViSP.We recommend to install the following 3rd parties:
Later, if you realize that a third-party library is missing, you can still install it, go back to the build folder, configure ViSP with CMake to detect the newly installed third-party library and build ViSP again as explained in How to take into account a newly installed 3rd party. It is therefore possible to skip in a first time this section and start directly to Quick ViSP installation. But obviously in this case, as we do not want to reinvent the wheel, some features implemented in third-party libraries will not be exploitable through ViSP. Note ViSP can be used without any third-party since all of them are optional. ViSP is interfaced with several 3rd party libraries. Note If you encounter an error, check Known issues section. You can later come back to the Advanced ViSP installation. To have a trial, just jump to Install ViSP dataset before running some binaries that you just build or jump to Next tutorial.
Go to, download and install the dmg file. $ echo "export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH" > ~/.bashrc
You will need to add /usr/local/bin to the PATH environment var in your ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile to have Homebrew be at the front of the PATH.Next use Homebrew to install additional software.Note Concerning ViSP installation, we provide also other Tutorials for ViSP users. These steps have been tested with macOS Big Sur 11.6.2 and cmake 3.22.1.
In this tutorial you will learn how to install ViSP from source on macOS with Homebrew.
According to the post, OpenCV 3.4.0 or earlier is suggested for Yolov3.